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No matter how much I hate seeing ads when I’m browsing through my favorite sites, I definitely don’t mind seeing them when I’m the one making money from advertising. I’ve been using ad networks for quite a while now to make money, and although I’m not a millionaire, I can definitely earn enough to live a damn good life. Since I know plenty of people out there who are just like me and want to earn money from home, I love exploring all of the different ad networks to see which one has the best tools and earning potential. After scrolling through a wide array of websites, I came across HilltopAds, and since it had a plethora of people praising it, I decided to see why so many were raving about it.
The very first thing I look at when exploring new ad networks are the hidden fees that, for some odd reason, are so damn prevalent in the space. I can’t tell you how many ad networks I’ve seen have the audacity to take a percentage off of the user’s earnings with some stupid excuse. Thankfully, HilltopAds promises no additional fees across the board, which instantly got me thinking that I had struck a goldmine. The ad network functions on CPM and has an advanced targeting system and direct publishers. Once I found out that HilltopAds launched in 2013, I had to go straight into the registration page to see how it had managed to stay so popular for over a decade in this competitive space.
Nobody likes taking the time out of their day to fill out some random questionnaire to make a new account, me especially. I’m a huge fan of sites that allow registrations through my Google account, but sadly, most of them don’t have this option available, so I’m forced to spend ten minutes making a new profile. When I entered HilltopAds, I thought the process would be the same: boring and slow. However, I was instantly surprised by how small the registration page looked the second I loaded it up. Not only were there no annoying security questions about my favourite color and my first dog’s name, but the lines I had to fill out were some of the most basic information needed to make an account.
The only thing HilltopAds requires to make an account is your name, e-mail address, and password, and to choose whether you want to be an advertiser or a publisher. At first, I thought there would be different pages to fill out after putting in my basic information, but to my surprise, I was instantly taken to my dashboard the moment I clicked sign up. The only thing left for me to do was to verify my e-mail address and get approved, all of which was incredibly fast and surprisingly easy. After that quick 2-minute process, I had full access to my dashboard, and I was also given a manager who I could contact 24/7 with ease, which is a level of customer service I’ve never seen in my entire life.
As soon as I started playing around with the ad campaigns I was stunned to find out that HilltopAds covers every possible GEO in the world. To make things even better, you’re allowed to tinker with the tools and target specific operating systems and devices with ease. I also had a great selection of ad formats to choose from, so I could run pop-unders, video, native, push notifications, direct links, and banner ads. Although all of this is great and fun to play around with, the biggest benefit that I found when sending my ad campaigns out is that HilltopAds is one of the best pop-under networks, so I got paid even when the visitors used an ad blocker.
Although I’ve mentioned customer support beforehand, I really have to praise HilltopAds and whoever is in charge of hiring staff members, as they’re incredibly polite and quick to respond. I personally almost never contact support whenever I’m running ads, but I tried contacting the ones on HilltopAds, and they were extremely pleasant and were more than happy to do anything I needed, whether it was to keep track of my ad performances or to swap them if I felt like my ads were better suited elsewhere. They’re also more than happy to give advice, so if you’re new to advertising, I’d highly recommend you get in contact with the support team and listen to their advice, or you can also go to the blog section and learn from there.
When reviewing ad networks the last thing I personally care about is how the design looks. Although I’m not worried about the looks, I know that there are many new users who feel intimidated jumping into a business that they’ve never seen before. That’s why I wanted to mention that HilltopAds has one of, if not the best and most intuitive designs in the market. The design is sleek and modern, and the dashboard is so intuitive to use that you won’t need any help finding your way around the tools. You have statistics, estimation trackers, campaign targeting, filters, and much more at your disposal, all of which are easy to find thanks to the minimalistic layout.
One of the features that are incredibly intuitive to use and that I feel deserve mention is real-time bidding. For some odd reason, this feature is hard to find on the site, but if I were HilltopAds, I’d put this information straight on the main page before users even register. As it turns out, this ad network offers advertisers real-time bids on some of the most popular sites on the internet. This includes the world-renowned AliExpress, Mobusi, Kromtech, and many more. Instead of having to put your ads on a website that’s horrendous and has no reputation, you can plaster them on these bad boys, and you’re bound to attract new users with ease.
Is HilltopAds the best ad network I’ve ever been on? Well, I would have said yes if there wasn’t one big flaw with it. You see, the ad network has full geo coverage, no transaction fees, ad block prevention, bitcoin payment options, tons of ad formats, and a lot more phenomenal tools at its disposal. Unfortunately, for some dumb reason, the network doesn’t allow adult content to be advertised. That’s why when using it, I could only advertise my other business endeavors and not one of the many pornographic ones I have.
Although no porn content is allowed, if you’re advertising anything else, you’ll be extremely satisfied with all of the other aspects of the network. There are plenty of older ad networks in the space, but I have to say that HilltopAds somehow managed to outdo them with how great their tools and customer service are, as well as how transparent they are. Although earning money through advertising isn’t easy, if you genuinely want to work with ad networks, I’d highly suggest starting off with HilltopAds.
+ Phenomenal ad formats
+ Full GEO coverage
+ Absolutely no transaction fees
– No pornographic content allowed
– Competitive industry
– Some pages seem outdated