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There’s no better feeling than working from home without having to deal with horrendous customers and coworkers. I’ve been making my living for quite some time now from various online businesses, but the ones I’m most interested in are ad networks. Since I’ve been watching porn for far too long, I know exactly what it takes to make a great site and monetize it. Unfortunately, for some dumb reason, many ad networks don’t want to have anything to do with adult content because, apparently, it’s a “brand risk,” whatever that means. Well, after using a few ad networks over the years and exploring new ones, I came across Squren, and I was interested to see whether it’s good enough to help me maximize my earning potential.
Before registering to Squren, I wanted to know a little bit more about the ad network to see if it’s even worth joining. The first surprise came once I saw that the site launched in 2016, which makes it one of the newer sites I’ve used since most of the ones I had the pleasure of using had decades of experience. Now, just because it’s a newer site, that doesn’t mean that I’ll not give it a chance, especially after finding out that they have thousands of daily customers and that they cover 190 countries with their services. From what I could tell, Squren definitely looked like it had great potential to become my most-used ad network, so without wasting any more time researching, I jumped in to register.
I know damn well how annoying registrations to new sites can be, as I’ve made hundreds of accounts over the years on various porn sites and ad networks. I’ll never understand why ad networks simply don’t allow users to log in with their Google address, as it saves so much time and is a pretty safe option. Well, I might be annoyed by the lengthy process, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t do it, especially if it’s going to help me make money. Before entering Squren, I was under the impression that registering would be similar to other competitor ad networks where far too much information needs to be filled out, but instead, the site takes a much simpler approach.
The first thing you’ll get the chance to choose when making your account is whether you’re an advertiser or a publisher, so make sure to pay attention at this stage. If you choose to be an advertiser, you’ll only have to input your name, e-mail address, phone number, and a messenger app with your ID. Publishers have to do a little bit more work as they also have to input their website URL, description, and category. Remember how I said that many ad networks don’t allow pornographic content? Well, the very first category you get to choose on Squren when making your account as a publisher is adult content, which is what I love to see.
After the quick registration process, all that was left for me to do was wait a bit to get approved, and I was ready to start making cash. The first thing I make sure to look at is the ad formats, and since Squren boasts that its ad placements can increase revenue by 200%, I was excited to see what it has to offer. After scrolling through all of the different popunders, pre-rolls, banners, and many other formats, I was more than satisfied with the amount of choices I was given. To make things even better, Squren is well-designed, so I never had a problem when navigating through the site or using the wide array of tools at hand.
When I ran ad campaigns, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to monitor everything in real time. All of the tools that I had were so damn intuitive that I’m pretty sure that even the people who are new to the industry wouldn’t need any help using them. I didn’t find blog sections like many other ad networks have, but thankfully, the internet is packed with guides on how to earn as much money as possible. If you do find yourself a bit lost or confused, Squren has great customer support that’s there to help you out 24/7. I’m not the type of guy who usually asks for help, but I did contact the support just to see how well it functions, and I was so damn impressed by both the response time and the help that I received from the staff.
Since Squren promises advanced targeting features that boost ROIs and make sure that advertisers are getting traffic from an audience that’s genuinely interested in the content, I just had to test the tools out. After setting up my raunchy porn site and started using the advanced targeting features, I was so damn happy to see that the audience that received my ads were ones who truly wanted to see hardcore banging and kinky porn. To make things even better, I had the option to target multiple regions, niches, and devices with ease, which made it so damn easy to increase my revenue over time. The only thing I wish Squren would do better is to link to all of the features and allow users to get an in-depth explanation of them, but other than that, everything’s great.
Now, I don’t know about you, but to me, security is one of the most important things on any site, let alone an ad network that I depend on. After scrolling through Squren and using the network for a while, I was fully satisfied with the fraud prevention system that it had in place for traffic. You’d be surprised to find out how often shady ad networks give their users fake traffic just to finish their campaigns faster, but that wasn’t an issue here on Squren. Alongside fraud protection, the website also has secure payouts twice a week.
After using Squren for a while, I have to admit that it’s a great ad network that offers fantastic ad placements and competitive CPMs. Although it’s a great network to start making money through porn online, you’re still not guaranteed to make a ton of cash by using it. The world of advertisers and publishers is harsh and very competitive, so if there’s one piece of advice you can take from me, it’s to start doing it only if you’re genuinely passionate about it. If you’re willing to spend lots of time to learn more about the market and how to make money through porn, I’d highly suggest starting your journey on Squren.
The only flaws I could find with the ad network are the fact that it’s somewhat new and pretty vague. I don’t quite understand why the site doesn’t lay out all of the important information right on its main page, but at least it has great tools and features that are intuitive and great for making an honest living online, especially through porn. Head on over and register today to get approved as soon as possible and start earning as much cash as possible!
+ Great ad formats
+ Competitive bids for your website’s ad space
+ Secure and consistent payouts
– The site lacks a lot of important details
– Some pages could use a redesign
– No blog section available