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Although I’ve been working and making an honest living through porn for years, there’s always something new I can learn. That’s why no matter how many ad networks I try out, I’m always on the lookout for a new one that has better offers and tools to help me make more money. At the end of the day, it’s all about cash, and I don’t mind spending hours researching sites as long as I know there’s a chance I’ll use it to fill up my wallet. While searching for the next big thing, I saw plenty of my peers in the industry recommend TrafficHaus. Not only were they recommending it, but it’s also been on a bunch of lists that cover the best ad networks online, so I just had to snoop around and find out if it’s actually great.
The first thing I try and find out with new ad networks is how long they’ve been doing business, and I was happy to see that TrafficHaus launched in 2007. Although it might not seem like it’s been in business for a while, I’ve known many sites that fail in just a few years and have to shut down. What’s also incredibly important to me, and I’d assume for you as well, is whether the site’s great for naughty pornographic content. Thankfully, TrafficHaus offers competitive solutions and partners for both publishers and advertisers, which makes it easy to earn money through lewd content. So, without wasting more time reading through the basic information, I plunged into myself to experience it first-hand.
I know it might seem silly to some, but I absolutely hate registering on any new site, especially ad networks. I understand that there’s a reason why websites require users to spend 10-15 minutes when creating their account, but I feel like the entire process could be much quicker. Unfortunately, sites still to this day force users to waste time filing up useless information such as intricate passwords with symbols and numbers and security questions that you’re going to forget anyway in about five seconds. Even though I was dreading having to go through that process again on TrafficHaus, I had to suck it up and just push through it in order to make some hard-earned cash.
Once I found my way to the registration page, I was instantly shocked at what I saw. Not only were there no useless questions to fill out, but TrafficHaus also allowed you to create an account in seconds just by logging in through your Google account. I can’t stress enough just how happy this made me, and I just wish more websites, especially ad networks, would just look up to TrafficHaus and do what it did. While making your account, all you have to do is pick whether you’re an advertiser, a website owner, or a content creator. From then on, the process takes seconds, and once you’re approved, you can head straight over to your dashboard and begin making money.
Not only does TrafficHaus get over 1 billion daily impressions, but it also looks like it has some phenomenal tools for both publishers and advertisers. If you’re an advertiser, you’ll be happy to know that the network has a wide reach and covers most of the GEOs available. I was easily able to tailor my ads for specific countries, and this is especially important if you’re focusing on a niche such as Japanese or Indian porn. There’s scalable ad reporting, ads for phones, tablets, and desktops, ad management tools, real-time bidding ad exchange, and a 24/7 dedicated account manager that helps out whenever you get confused or just want to know more information about a specific topic.
What I also found quite helpful was the intuitive dashboard that TrafficHaus has, as it’s quite easy to browse, and you can even customize it to your liking. This made it so damn easy to have all of the information in real-time that I needed to see which ads were working the best and in what ways I needed to improve them to increase my profits. You might be thinking this is just a slight change that doesn’t impact the overall experience of the ad network, but it sure does help out a lot when you can quickly load up all of the tools you need without having to look up guides and other tutorials on how to find them.
If you’re interested in TrafficHaus as a publisher and not an advertiser, you’ll be even more excited to find out just how many different tools they offer. No matter what kinds of ads you’re looking for and in whichever format you need them, the network will find them for you in a matter of seconds. I was also able to design my own ad space so that I never had to worry about horrendous ads that I wasn’t interested in popping up. I’d highly recommend taking your time during these steps because many websites just clutter their pages with flashing pop-unders, annoying banners, and boring video rolls, which end up turning off the viewer. It’s best to be subtle and not bombard the user with annoying ads but instead show a few spicy ones related to the niche you’re focused on.
The best benefit of using TrafficHaus as a publisher is the fact that it offers a competitive marketplace for your ad space and a 100% guarantee that they’ll be fulfilled. Consistency is key in this line of work, so the guarantee makes it so you never have to worry about having an empty banner or ad space on your site. If you want to learn more ways how you should run your campaigns for the ultimate profit, simply go over to the TrafficHaus blog page, and you’ll see tons of guides with useful information. Personally, I didn’t have to use the blog that much, but I did give it a try to see whether it was of any use, and surprisingly enough, I found neat pieces of information that even I could implement.
After using TrafficHaus for a while I’ve used all of its tools as much as possible, and I can easily say that it’s one of the better ad networks I’ve ever used in my life. Is it perfect? Of course, it’s not, but the flaws I’ve seen aren’t related to the tools, so they don’t impact your earning potential. What I found a bit odd is why the site doesn’t provide information about its partners and the big names in the industry that it’s partnered with.
Overall, TrafficHaus is a great ad network that gives users all of the tools they need to succeed. Just because these tools are amazing and intuitive, it doesn’t mean you’ll earn a great deal of money. Unless you’re fully committed to working hard and adapting to changes, you won’t see any profits, but if you are genuinely interested in making cash through porn and you are planning on working hard to do so, I’d highly suggest becoming a member of TrafficHaus and getting to work right away.
+ More than 1 billion daily impressions
+ Tons of ad formats and various placements
+ Bidding and auctioning in real-time
– The ad network’s partners aren’t listed
– Some pages deserve a design update
– The blog updates 1-2 times a month