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I’ve been making money through porn for as long as I can remember, but even though I’m making a good living, I still come across tons of issues throughout the industry. One of the most difficult parts I’ve been dealing with lately is finding an ad network that can help me lure in as many viewers onto my website as possible. Although there are plenty of options to choose from, none of them are perfect, which is why I keep searching for new ones to test them out whenever I can. After spending what felt like ages scrolling through mediocre ad networks, I came across one that, for some odd reason, got my attention. The site I’m talking about is Clickaine, and whether I was attracted to it because of its name or something else, I decided to jump inside and see what it had to offer.
Before creating my account, I always make sure to find out as much information as possible about the site beforehand. Weirdly enough, Clickaine didn’t have a FAQ page, but at least there was more information about the site itself on its About Us page. Clickaine is based in Prague and offers services to advertisers and publishers, but what really got my attention was the amount of reach it has. As it turns out, Clickaine has a daily global reach of over 250 million desktop and mobile users as well as thousands of publishing partners, which was all of the info I needed to know before I rushed over to the registration page.
Nothing, and I do mean nothing, makes me angrier than a website that, for no apparent reason, has a long and annoying registration process. I mean, I understand if it’s for safety reasons, but I’ll never understand sites that question me like I’m on trial for murder. What’s my cat’s name, what’s my dog’s name, when did I first lose my virginity, how often do I use the bathroom? I don’t know, and I don’t care to answer these questions; I just want to get to my damn account and start making money. Anywho, I was dreading the moment I had to join Clickaine and make my account, but I shouldn’t have worried whatsoever because, as it turns out, this ad network keeps things quick and simple.
Once I landed on the registration page, I was in awe at how little I had to fill out. For a moment, I thought I was on the wrong website, but no, Clickaine only requires a simple username, password, e-mail verification, and either a Skype or Telegram ID. There are also the terms of conditions and captcha, but those aren’t avoidable anywhere, and if we’re honest, nobody reads them, so just check it off, wait for Clickaine to review your account, and begin your journey. While creating your account, you’ll also have the option to choose whether you’re interested in selling or buying traffic, so pay attention unless you want to fix your mistake later on in your settings.
Once inside my brand-new account, I rushed over to the dashboard to begin creating campaigns and finding ways to make more money. To my surprise, I didn’t need to look up a guide or ask for assistance whatsoever as all of the tools are intuitively located. If you’ve chosen to be an advertiser, you’ll be glad to know that Clickaine manually curates the publishers with worldwide coverage, and you’ll also have a full set of Ad formats to help boost your conversion. If you’re new to advertising, there’s no need to worry, as Clickaine also has excellent account managers and support services that’ll help you out with any issue you may have, whether it’s related to the site and its tools or questions about the industry.
If you’ve chosen to be a publisher, Clickaine will provide you with fantastic Ad tech solutions to display ad formats that are the best performing. I was a bit worried about how much control I’d have over the ad zone, but luckily, Clickaine gave me 100% control of the ads, advertisers, and live stat checkups to see how the traffic is going so far. As a publisher, I was given an advanced system of algorithms that made it incredibly easy to see which offers were the best, which, in return, gave me the most amount of revenue. It all may seem daunting if you’re new, but you’ll get a hang of it after a couple of uses, so just make sure not to give up, and you’ll be good.
Before making your campaign, I feel like it’s best to know a little bit more about the two main models you’ll come across. The first one off is CPM, which stands for Cost Per Mile. This is basically how much advertisers will pay for every 1,000 clicks or views of their ad, which I’d recommend using when you’re trying to spread the word around about your site. The second one is CPC, Cost Per Click, in which advertisers pay for every single click their ad gets. Both of these are very simple, but you’ll have to find out which one works best for your pornographic business model to take full advantage of them.
Make sure to pay close attention to the targeting options, which I’ve inspected closely, as they always seem to be the determining factor in how much cash I make. You’ll have selective bidding, which is quite tricky as it basically gives advertisers a chance to change the rates per source based on how well they’re performing, and they can do it whenever the hell they want. Don’t forget about devices, GEO (region, country, city), site category, type of website, device vendors, models, browsers, OS, and much more. It seems like a lot, but once you get a hang of it, you’ll be making cash in no time on Clickaine.
I personally use PayPal everywhere, so I was glad to see that Clickmaine has several payment options, such as ePayService, wire transfers, Paxum, WebMoney, and PayPal. Before you make your first $100 don’t even think about payouts because that’s the minimum required to even get one. They can be sent per your request, which is what I did 2-3 times a week, but that’s going to depend on how much you earn. Clickaine also has a referral program through which you can earn money based on the publisher’s earnings. When I heard about it, I was ecstatic, but after finding out that it’s only 3%, I completely gave up on the idea of making anything through referrals.
I spent a hefty amount of time on Clickaine, and so far, I can safely say that there aren’t many negative things to talk about. Everything seems to be in order, from all of the different campaign tools and payout methods to the simple things such as the design and navigation. Now, I’m not saying that you’ll become a millionaire as soon as you create your account, but what I will say is that you’ll have all of the tools necessary to make an honest living as long as you don’t give up.
+ Unwanted buyers are blocked
+ You can payout whenever you want
+ Great CPM rates
– Missing FAQ page
– No ability to register with a Google account
– Referral program with a disgustingly low 3% return on earnings